Thursday, July 5, 2012

Getting Creative

Decided to get creative in my cinematography. Looks cool, no?


  Finale of my city's fireworks display! It was really neat a red moon appeared last night. Maybe the fireworks made it look this way, maybe my camera. But, it reminded me of all the blood that has been shed for our country, and the fireworks gun shots of every war. All for our freedom. God Bless America!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Doctor For a Day

^^ Yes, ladies and gents, that's me! I LOVE this photo. My friend took it on her iPhone, and thanks to her travel scrapbooking sticker sheet, I even wore "World's Craziest Tour Guide" proudly as some sort of button. This was for Doctor Who day at the OYAN Summer Workshop, and I dressed as everyone's favorite Eleventh Doctor, and even tried my best to do it in character. I must say, it was quite a blast, and the friend who took the photo was my companion, and I even found a Rose Tyler!

Cat Nap

"Open Your Eyes, Look Up to the Skies and See"

Friday, June 29, 2012

Guess What This Is!



^^This is my beta, James Tiberius. He's very photogenic, and quite a bit of a diva when it comes to having his picture taken. If JT sees me nearing his bowl with my camera, he swims right up and demands to be the center of the photograph, peering at me with one eye like Count Olaf. That's why he's staring up at me in this particular picture, inquiring, "And how is my leaf more fascinating than I?"